This is the journal I swear by.

As a Christian entrepreneur I found it hard to find journals that were not about manifesting your dreams but actually praying about them so I created my own! 

I know that all I have is because of Jesus and His grace. If you look at my life you can see how he beautifully crafted my story and turned my entire life around when I gave Him control.

Everything I currently have is something I consistently prayed for.


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what's inside?

The reason why it works.

Customizable Daily Habit Tracker

Daily Prayer Section

Quarterly Goals + Action Plans

Weekly Journals

Daily Journals + Prompts

Weekly Visualizations


a journal guided by your faith

Faith based productivity journal


This Christian productivity journal was crafted to enhance productivity and streamline goal-setting through faith-based principles. Tailored for individuals seeking to align their ambitions with their spiritual beliefs, my journal guides you towards success while fostering a deeper connection to your faith.

This journal enabled me to consistently double my income by aligning my business aspirations with my spiritual convictions. This journal provides you with the tools to set audacious goals, maintain unwavering focus, and utilize the power of prayer & faith to reach those goals.

Experience firsthand how this journal can change your life, invest in your growth, both professionally and spiritually, with our transformative Christian entrepreneur journal today.


"And whatever you ask in prayer, you will receive, if you have faith.”

matthew 21:22